Timm! Again, I am writing this for the third time, but I love how you gave a clear definition of the term equity before beginning your blog. I am starting to realize that I should have done this as well! Thank you for adding in the “Cultivating Equity in the Classroom” video, I have always loved these simple draw-as -I-teach videos because it is the pure definition of multimodal. I cannot believe how skilled you have got in creating these beautiful informational images the graphics you chose were perfect and so pleasing to the eye. I can say that I agree that when I first began this course, I too thought that design principles and design theories would all be very different regardless of if the classes were face-to-face or online, but maybe they are not. There are specific characteristics in both scenarios that if were not made would create utter chaos and inequitable classroom, however, in the end, a teacher’s job is all the same to create a learning environment fit to each student’s individuals needs.


Josh! What a brilliant idea actually giving an equity definition in the intro to your blog! It truly gives the reader a sense of where the blog is going and what we should be looking for in your writing. I can say with honestly how much I appreciate the graphic you chose to help your definition. This image has always been a concrete difference for me when comparing equity and equality (it is also a great image for students). I agree with your opinion wholeheartedly on how to create an equitable classroom and love how concisely you exampled your topic reading findings. I believe that it is important to the point you admitted about it is the teacher’s decision of how to create a learning environment, however, in the end, it should always come down to what is best for the students.


Leona! I love your version of the definition of equity in education. I think that it is important to note that there are differences when it comes to equity in various situations. I cannot say enough. how much you help us as readers hyperlinking all your resources!  It is a perfect example of how we can use interactive and multimedia learning in all our classes. I love how you included the design principles as well from the Kral & Schwab reading. I found that reading to be easily the most insightful to me and truly opened my mind to the possibilities that can come from making learning spaces that provide equity for all learners. As per-usual great blog, and wonderful use of combining all the readings together to make one beautiful summary.