new to teaching but old to the love of learning

Category: My course work

Gymnastics planning assignment

Below is an example of an entire lesson plan, more specifically a lesson plan for a cartwheel lesson of a greater gymnastic unit. This lesson plan includes an introduction, learning objectives for the students (the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects), a warm-up game, a stretching component, a demonstration/task analysis, the body of the lesson, a cumulative activity, and a cooldown. A proper lesson plan should be detailed enough so a teacher on call or anyone reading this would be able to have enough information to prepare and perform the lesson asked.


Across-the-floor dance lesson plan

Being apart of the education program, you get a lot of opportunities to experience teaching opportunities whether it be in front of peers or by going out into the field and teaching children. I go the opportunity to teach a grade 7/8 dance club practice with peer candidate teachers and it was our job to create an appropriate lesson plan that we could use for our teaching. The lesson plan we created is simple, it is an across the floor combination that combines 3 main skills of dance, turning, footwork and flexibility. We chose to create a very diverse assortment of exercises because of the skill level of the class. All of the students apart of the club were beginners and by branching out from usual combinations we were able to appeal to the skills of more learners. Alike the other lesson plans we had a warm-up activity, the demonstrations/task analysis of the combinations, our body of the lesson which was the learning of the combinations, the cumulative activity of participating in the across-the-floor combinations and finally our cool down.

Volleyball lesson plan

The next part of a lesson after the warm-up is called the “body” of a lesson. The body defines the portion of the lesson where the majority of instruction and learning of a specific task takes place. The task that is learned in this section is usually a skill from a bigger unit, for example in the lesson plan below the students were learning the skill setting for their volleyball unit.

Warm up lesson plan

For the first assignment of the class, we focused on the elements of a physical education lesson plan, the first portion of the lesson being the warmup. The main aspects of the warm-up that we learned about were the importance of them in elementary physical education. The main point of warming up before performing physical exercise is to increase the muscle and body temperature, by doing this and allowing your muscles to get warmer oxygen becomes more available to your muscles, allowing them to contract and relax more easily. Another important part of warming up is that it helps reduce the chance of injury by helping improve muscle elasticity. Warm-ups are high-intensity activities that will introduce or be related to the body of the lesson in some way.