The research I have found about the advantages of using gamification in the classroom has been continuous across the areas of the web. Research shows that gamification can provide students with their
first beginning aspects of what life of an e-learner looks like, as this is the future for education it is beneficial for the student that teachers begin this process early. The main advantages I found involving gamification as a form of e-learning are:

  1. Gamification increases learners’ engagement by holding learners’ attention and motivating them by giving them a goal to reach. Also increases learners engagement by turning students from passive observers into active  participants
  2. Makes e-learning for fun and interactive by making their learning not just informative but also fun and engaging. Gamification also makes students believe they are an integral part oftheir learning, allowing to feel they are invited to learn more and play and not forced to by their teachers and the curriculum.
  3. Improves knowledge absorption and retention whether or not learning is virtual or interactive the goal . is always the same; to instill knowledge within your learners. Gamification in learning can improve knowledge absorption and boost retention by blending endorphins and the awareness of real-world benefits
  4. Gives learners the opportunity to see their learning in real-world applications by showing these students how their choices within the game result in consequences or rewards. If they succeed they move on to the next level, if not, they are not rewarded and must redo the level. Gamification in this sense is allowing them to witness these applications in a fun and risk-free environment that prepares them for when they do venture off into the real world.
  5. It enhances the overall learning experiences for kids by getting them excited about learning where they will be able to actually acquire this information at a higher level of retention. Even a subject matter that may not in a usual teaching atmosphere “speak” to the students can be absorbed more easily because learners are actually enjoying the process and are actively participating.