new to teaching but old to the love of learning

Category: My teaching

Future teacher

As the time comes for me to start my first practicum, the time comes also for me to start really thinking about who I am and what persona, pedagogies, and teachings I want to bring in with me into the classroom. I realize that in my practicum I will get the opportunity to be able to observe and work with professionals and  I can further my knowledge as an educator by experiencing new teaching pedagogies first hand. However, I still feel that I wish to find out more about myself as a person and as a teacher so I can bring these aspects into my class with confidence knowing what I am teaching is truly my style. I hope that no matter what my first practicum experience will allow me to grow as an educator and that my passion for education and educating children will be well received and beneficial for both my students and myself.

Teaching philosophy

Although I am only in my second year of the education program from my past teaching experience and form my current pre-practicum work with my partnering teacher at a local middle school I have started to gather my own personal insight into what my teaching philosophy might be. What I believe in more than anything when it comes to being an educator is that teachers have to understand and acknowledge that every child contains their special types of “smarts”. Teachers cannot generalize students and their learning as every child acquires knowledge at their own rate and way. It is the students with their unique “smarts” that make us teachers rethink our personalized teaching views and make us grow as educators. I have gained this insight from observing and being a teacher-model to my pre-practicum students where this incredible experience has shown and taught me how different teachers manage various classes and lessons. Being in a classroom setting first hand has given me the chance to use the techniques I have observed while beginning to form my teaching style, a style that is a mix of the former favorited teachers of my past and the future teacher I wish to one day be.