Lauryn’s Blog

Hey Lauryn! I love the comment you made about multimedia existing beyond the digital world. I have a feeling that when people think about the word that they automatically just assume that since it has the word “media” in it, it must be a digital form of technology.

I too have always struggled with online learning, with honestly the same reason as you, I couldn’t handle not having immediate feedback on my work. I used to use Khan academy for pretty much every question I had in high school (and even sometimes in university) and I believe that you’re right that it was the fact that we could hear the presenter speak to us and explain their actions that the material made more sense. I think that it is important to realize that teachers’ act of storytelling is fluid across all subjects of learning and can be beneficial or students regardless of the material/subject. For students to truly absorb and understand their learning we as teachers need to find ways to connect their own experiences to the course work.