So by far today marked an incredible milestone for me as this is the first recipe I made using more than just one type of spice… Ok so that may be a tad of a stretch but still, this fancy ramen recipe took me out of my comfort zone in the best way. The recipe implied that it would take in total around 30 minutes to complete and this was very accurate timing. I started with making the sauce and had to change some of the ingredients because of preferences for certain tastes. I was slightly concerned about the sauce at first but only because the ingredients were not mixing together and the consistency seemed to be very thin, the thinness may have been because of the absence of cornstarch. I had completely forgotten about the cornstarch and had already started mixing the ingredients together by the time I realized I needed it. After doing the research I learned that cornstarch is used as a binder and thickener and would have made the sauce be less of just a broth, however, the sauce did taste very good in the end. The cooking of the noodles, vegetables, and the chicken was just your usual boiling of water and sauteing however when mixed all together you could see the sauce marinating into the chicken and soaking into the veggies and noodles. The taste, in the end, was honestly the best part of my day, the fancy ramen tasted better than real ramen! I will for sure make this recipe again because of its simplicity, amazing taste and because I now have so many of the spices I need to make the noodles!