My musical journey began the day I went into MacLaurin to retrieve my first ever ukulele. When I picked up my initial ukulele she was a dark brown one who when I attempted my first strum literally sounded like a cat dying, I took her to my teacher who then informed me that the instrument had very little hope and would most likely never be able to keep a tune. After learning about this I decided to go back to chose a new one, she was light brown and her name was Leila, she is now the one I see sitting on my bed next to me.

My goals for this project, in my opinion, consisted of the perfect amount of difficulty without expecting too much of myself. The three main goals are:

  1. Learn the basic universal ukulele chords that can be applied in almost every song. These chords are A major, G, C, D, E major and F
  2. Learn and memorize a simple song. I chose either “You’re Beautiful,” “Riptide,” or “Let it Be”
  3. Have correct strumming patterns, and fluidity while playing

These goals I have chosen will have to be achieved by October 22nd, as this is our mid-semester check-in date. At this time if I have not met these goals I will know that I am behind in my learning and may have to rethink my further growth plans for the end of the year. To achieve my goals and to stay on track I will have to make myself practice guidelines that take into apart my busy lifestyle of school, work, and volunteering and mental health, and I will have to also aim for lower then the expectations of my practicing time as life tends to throw curveballs every which way. I hope to accomplish my goals and to be able to be proud of my efforts by the time of our final evaluation, as this musical journey is generated more to the beneficial feelings I will receive by learning the ukulele vs. the mark I receive.