This is about 1 and a half weeks into the uke-ing and I am not gonna lie I’m feeling pretty good! This video above is me performing the intro picking and the intro chords to “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt. This song is the first one I have chosen and attempted to pick and though it took practice I think I’ve finally gotten the “harsh, rusty, angelic” sound James was trying to create. As you can hear I am still adjusting getting to my G chord as my little fingers still can’t process switching back and forth. Lately, I’ve been practicing switching from either an A or an F to the G to try to train my fingers into forming into position, yet it is still quite tricky for me. What you didn’t see videotaped was my attempt at signing “You’re Beautiful”. Not gonna lie it didn’t go that well, however, I found this song easier then riptide, this might be because of the slower lyrics or because this one I can kinda cheat sing by strumming one chord per lyric (whoops). Speaking of strumming I’m this song I practiced a new strumming pattern of DDDUDU which sounded quite nice with the song.  Hopefully, soon I’ll be brave enough to videotape my attempts at singing but not today, unfortunately.